This class is focused on balance. Balance postures, development of concentration, and as always focus on breath. Have fun letting go of what was or what will be and spending time in the moment.
Welcome Andrew a certified Kokoro Yoga Instructor and expert physical therapist. In this class Andrew will guide you to release tension in the fascia, open the shoulders, and expand your understanding of breath and body.
Great practice for beginners to advanced. Mark guides you into the mind and embodiment of a Zen warrior Monk. Breathe, be and practice. Practice is how we discover where we are at in the moment.
This class begins with movement that is great opening shoulders and neck, stabilizing your sacrum and stretching your quadriceps. After the movement Mark takes you through a guided box breathing practice and mediation. Great for after a workout or at the start of your day.
We practice fighting warrior to develop a peaceful state of being. This class develops courage, confidence and sweat. You will start with warrior breath 9, 18, 27 builds heat and energy. Then Mark takes you through mobility drills to prepare for punch, kick and combination movements.
This class starts with 5 min of 5x5 box breathing and then takes you into a wonderful preparatory sequence for a long run or intense workout. Hips, hamstrings and range of motion are all addressed in this sequence.
This is a practice that is a great way to develop your warrior spirit in strength, breath, and dexterity. Hug Skin to muscle and muscle to bone.
This class is focused on balance. Balance postures, development of concentration, and as always focus on breath. Have fun letting go of what was or what will be and spending time in the moment.
Great practice for beginners to advanced. Mark guides you into the mind and embodiment of a Zen warrior Monk. Breathe, be and practice. Practice is how we discover where we are at in the moment.
Simple and effective movements are introduced as a 20 minute warm up to prepare you for breath and meditation. This is a great class to prepare you for a day of travel or before a workout.
This short practice is a great fro recovery after intense exercise or sitting too long. Opening the shoulders, neck and side body is the main focus of this sequence.
Guided nostril breathing kicks you off into a short and sweet practice that realigns the spine and releases tension in the pectoral muscles.
This class starts with a seated 9-breath practice that fortifies you. In this practice you get to tend to your energy through the qi gong practices of bringing down the heavens, monk horse stance and simple tai chi movements. Use the force for service and self mastery.
Energy is a more subtle than matter yet we know it exists. In the tradition of yoga and martial arts energy is something to master and tend to. This practice takes you from an energy centered meditation into box breathing and then movement. To connect to the effort you put in the class finishes with a silent meditation.
This class starts with 10 min. of alternate nostril breathing followed by 5 min. of box breathing. If you have tight hips this class is great to help you open them up while developing spinal mobility.
Guided nostril breathing kicks you off into a short and sweet practice that realigns the spine and releases tension in the pectoral muscles.
This class starts with a seated 9-breath practice that fortifies you. In this practice you get to tend to your energy through the qi gong practices of bringing down the heavens, monk horse stance and simple tai chi movements. Use the force for service and self mastery.
This recovering class is gentle and steady in the flow. It focuses on flexibility and recovery of the shoulders, neck and hips. This class has a brief meditation at the beginning and end focusing on your intention as an integrated Kokoro Yoga Practitioner.
Take a moment to bring in some sweat before the new year cheer. Bring in more peace of mind through strengthening your reserve with this fighting warrior practice.
Seated meditation, alternate nostril breathing and intention setting start you off in this Zen practice. A great sequence for ankle, shoulder and spinal mobility. Catherine guides you through box breathing at the end followed by a few brief moments of silence.
Hamstrings, hip opening and spinal twist kick this class off without leaving the floor. The traditional yoga postures are followed by a wonderful guided Qi Gong practice where you can cultivate patience, energy, and regenerate.
Great post run or workout sequence. Catherine takes you through gentle movements that releases tension in the neck, shoulders, hamstrings and low back. This class ends with alternate nostril breathing and a brief meditation.
30 minutes of one of the most powerful practices ever here on Kokoro Yoga online.
Great practice for beginners to advanced. Mark guides you into the mind and embodiment of a Zen warrior Monk. Breathe, be and practice. Practice is how we discover where we are at in the moment.
This is a Zen warrior practice with a focus on core abdominal strength and a healthy spine. This is a great practice for all levels.
Introducing Cheyana a newly certified Kokoro Yoga instructor. Enjoy this focused practiced that will bring in calm and focused energy for the new year.
In this practice you will cultivate balance and stabilization. An emphasis on hip opening and twisting. Breath is the guide while finding your center.
Join Mark and embody what it is to be Zen: a Japanese word rooted in a Sanskrit term dhyana, meaning “deep or ultimate meditation”. Move, Breathe and Zen out.
This class starts out with 10 minutes of box breathing to build concentration for the rest of the practice. This is a wonderful blend of Qi Gong and traditional yoga postures. Overall very gentle practice with the power of a headstand at the end.
Alternate Nostril Breathing and setting a personal intention kick you off into a class that will help you develop mobility for a deep squat. Healthy hips are very important when doing more strenuous exercise and this class is a great compliment for just that.
This class starts with a supine mediation that is great for releasing any tension in neck and low back. If you need to work on balance or enjoy playing with it, this sequence is focused on standing balance postures. Align your spine and feel divine.
Polish the mirror of your mind with breath and movement. This class has martial movements that are great for shoulder mobility. Woven in to the sequence is a deep horse stance and inner focus. This practice is sealed with a 30 min. seated meditation.
15 minutes of Burpees, Kettle Bell Swings and Supermans mixed in with a warm up and cool down of traditional yoga postures.
Keeping up with your new years resolution to be fit in 2019? Here is a great video for Beg. Int. practitioners get that heart beating with the energy of courage and core.
Beginning level or lite day Fit Warrior: Grab your kettle bell (or something like it) and your breath for this fantastic strength and hip mobilizing practice.
We practice for self mastery so that we can be loving, kind and present for our friends and families. This is a rigorous practice that will put you to the test in mobility, strength, and willingness to be comfortable with the discomfort. Deep squats, push ups and floor jiu jitsu style work are all introduced in this practice, have fun and breathe.
Do you like push ups? If your answer is yes or no this is a great practice to get some in for the day. This class starts with range of motion drills and deep hip openers. Then get ready and build heat with sun salutes and push ups.
Gratitude is the attitude in this Fit Warrior practice.Gratitude is the attitude in this Fit Warrior practice. Burpees, push ups and flutter kicks are the spice of the practice to build heat. This is a pleasant combination of functional fitness and traditional postures.
20 minutes of getting your heart rate pumping followed by recovering postures that restore and relax your nervous system. Breath is the focus.
Follow along newly minted black belt Greg Amundson as he guides you on how to access grace and fury in this intense fighting warrior sequence.
Take a moment to bring in some sweat before the new year cheer. Bring in more peace of mind through strengthening your reserve with this fighting warrior practice.
We practice for self mastery so that we can be loving, kind and present for our friends and families. This is a rigorous practice that will put you to the test in mobility, strength, and willingness to be comfortable with the discomfort. Deep squats, push ups and floor jiu jitsu style work are all introduced in this practice, have fun and breathe.
This class is a sweet combination of challenge and restorative work. Bookending breath practices with qi gong and movements focused on spinal health in the middle leave you energized.
This is a work out class that gets your heart pumping. Martial application met with yogic breath warms you up to get ready for punching squats, archer breath, and punch and kick sequences.
This short practice is a great fro recovery after intense exercise or sitting too long. Opening the shoulders, neck and side body is the main focus of this sequence.
Guided nostril breathing kicks you off into a short and sweet practice that realigns the spine and releases tension in the pectoral muscles.
This class starts with 10 min. of alternate nostril breathing followed by 5 min. of box breathing. If you have tight hips this class is great to help you open them up while developing spinal mobility.
This practice stimulates healing and is focused for those with foot injuries who still want to cultivate mobility in spine, utilizing visualization, and an inner calm.
This recovering class is gentle and steady in the flow. It focuses on flexibility and recovery of the shoulders, neck and hips. This class has a brief meditation at the beginning and end focusing on your intention as an integrated Kokoro Yoga Practitioner.
Mark guid you in this class with a great flow for active recovery while still getting to develop some core strength. Box breathing in pigeon pose and an invitation to explore your wild side. Practice everyday and you will see the results.
This class begins with movement that is great opening shoulders and neck, stabilizing your sacrum and stretching your quadriceps. After the movement Mark takes you through a guided box breathing practice and mediation. Great for after a workout or at the start of your day.
Recovery is the main intention in this practice, however this is also a wonderful sequence to do in the morning. The class hits every part of the body with the strategy to align the spine, free the hips and shoulders as well as strengthen your reserve to remain dedicated to presence in practice.
If you travel a bunch this is the practice for you. After travel our shoulders, low back and hips all need some tender care. I this recovering sequence that is what you get.
This class is focused on balance. Balance postures, development of concentration, and as always focus on breath. Have fun letting go of what was or what will be and spending time in the moment.
Simple and effective movements are introduced as a 20 minute warm up to prepare you for breath and meditation. This is a great class to prepare you for a day of travel or before a workout.
Here is a advanced practice with arm balancing, deep back bend and hip opening. Modify if you need to and continue to access the ageless warrior within while cultivating a deep inner strength: mind, body, and soul.
This is a practice that tips its hat to the lineage of Ashtanga Yoga. This is a great practice if you want to test your limit in strength and flexibility.
Ageless Warrior with a twist. Here is another advanced upside down practice with Tracey. You can always visualize for the postures you can't do. Remember in a headstand there should never be pressure in your neck, it is all core strength.
Focus, determination and open hips is what you will develop in this sequence with Mark
Great for supporting more mobility while focusing on alignment in postures. Headstand and shoulder stand are given in this practice: only do them if you are free of neck injury or pain.
This class starts with a meditation/contemplation exercise asking you to ponder; what is death, what is birth, and what is life. As you begin to move this effective and gentle practice helps you gain strength and mobility in your hips and shoulders.
Easy Day, We Got This-Piece of Cake. This class starts out with 10 minutes of 5x5 box breathing guided by Mark. Deepen your backbends and cultivate balance from the inside out. In this class Mark teaches how to unlock the tension in hips while strengthening the posterior chain.
This is a gentle sequence for focus and relaxation. Light asana ending with some box breathing.
This peaceful warrior practice invites in cultivating balance and opening the hips and upper back. Ending with a guided visualization on meeting go of stagnant emotion and charging up with positive energy.
This peaceful warrior is an invitation to open your hips and hamstrings. This is a restorative practice that is designed to invigorate and inspire you to live from the heart the Kokoro Yoga way.
Mark takes you through 10 min of box breathing and then into a gentle practice that focuses on strength and methodical movement guided by breath. Half way through dive into the practice of the energizing breath to burn of toxins and create more stabiltiy in your core. This peaceful warrior sequence ends with the Unbeatable Minds staple practices the mind gym and still water , a great tool for learning how to visualize and concentrate.
Free your hamstrings from tension in this practice where Catherine guides you through a sequence that focuses on lengthening these muscles. Spinal mobility and alignment are also a key part of this 60 minute Peaceful Warrior Sequence. The class ends with guided box breathing and clarification on your intention for the day.
This practice invites you to set an intention of inner peace and train your mind. Starting off with 5x5 box breathing you then dive into the Kokoro Yoga hip mobility drill, which is followed by the conclusion of the class a guided visualization. Merging heart and mind into action is the Kokoro Yoga path.
This class starts with a seated 9-breath practice that fortifies you. In this practice you get to tend to your energy through the qi gong practices of bringing down the heavens, monk horse stance and simple tai chi movements. Use the force for service and self mastery.
Energy is a more subtle than matter yet we know it exists. In the tradition of yoga and martial arts energy is something to master and tend to. This practice takes you from an energy centered meditation into box breathing and then movement. To connect to the effort you put in the class finishes with a silent meditation.
This class starts out with 10 minutes of box breathing to build concentration for the rest of the practice. This is a wonderful blend of Qi Gong and traditional yoga postures. Overall very gentle practice with the power of a headstand at the end.
This class is designed for stepping into your warrior spirit. Mark invites you to be victorious on the mountain top and defeat your mental negativity through focus intention. This class is great for opening shoulders while stabilizing the upper back. You will box breath, sit in horse stance and create focus in this practice.
Great post run or workout sequence. Catherine takes you through gentle movements that releases tension in the neck, shoulders, hamstrings and low back. This class ends with alternate nostril breathing and a brief meditation.
Hamstrings, hip opening and spinal twist kick this class off without leaving the floor. The traditional yoga postures are followed by a wonderful guided Qi Gong practice where you can cultivate patience, energy, and regenerate.
In this practice Mark takes you into the force field of breath and movement. This is a sweet combination of traditional yoga with qi gong. Great for joint mobility and developing concentration.
Great practice for beginners to advanced. Mark guides you into the mind and embodiment of a Zen warrior Monk. Breathe, be and practice. Practice is how we discover where we are at in the moment.
Simple and effective movements are introduced as a 20 minute warm up to prepare you for breath and meditation. This is a great class to prepare you for a day of travel or before a workout.
This short practice is a great fro recovery after intense exercise or sitting too long. Opening the shoulders, neck and side body is the main focus of this sequence.
Guided nostril breathing kicks you off into a short and sweet practice that realigns the spine and releases tension in the pectoral muscles.
This class starts with a seated 9-breath practice that fortifies you. In this practice you get to tend to your energy through the qi gong practices of bringing down the heavens, monk horse stance and simple tai chi movements. Use the force for service and self mastery.
In this practice you will cultivate balance and stabilization. An emphasis on hip opening and twisting. Breath is the guide while finding your center.
In this class Mark encourages you to bring in a deep internal focus. This class is a great recovery practice after an intensive Workout like CrossFit or SEALFIT.Living a life of longevity and health takes focus and being in tune with your inner world.
This class starts with a meditation/contemplation exercise asking you to ponder; what is death, what is birth, and what is life. As you begin to move this effective and gentle practice helps you gain strength and mobility in your hips and shoulders.
This class starts out with 10 minutes of box breathing to build concentration for the rest of the practice. This is a wonderful blend of Qi Gong and traditional yoga postures. Overall very gentle practice with the power of a headstand at the end.
Great practice for beginners to advanced. Mark guides you into the mind and embodiment of a Zen warrior Monk. Breathe, be and practice. Practice is how we discover where we are at in the moment.
Energy is a more subtle than matter yet we know it exists. In the tradition of yoga and martial arts energy is something to master and tend to. This practice takes you from an energy centered meditation into box breathing and then movement. To connect to the effort you put in the class finishes with a silent meditation.
This class starts with 10 min. of alternate nostril breathing followed by 5 min. of box breathing. If you have tight hips this class is great to help you open them up while developing spinal mobility.
In this practice you will cultivate balance and stabilization. An emphasis on hip opening and twisting. Breath is the guide while finding your center.
This class is designed for stepping into your warrior spirit. Mark invites you to be victorious on the mountain top and defeat your mental negativity through focus intention. This class is great for opening shoulders while stabilizing the upper back. You will box breath, sit in horse stance and create focus in this practice.
We practice for self mastery so that we can be loving, kind and present for our friends and families. This is a rigorous practice that will put you to the test in mobility, strength, and willingness to be comfortable with the discomfort. Deep squats, push ups and floor jiu jitsu style work are all introduced in this practice, have fun and breathe.
This class is a sweet combination of challenge and restorative work. Bookending breath practices with qi gong and movements focused on spinal health in the middle leave you energized.
Polish the mirror of your mind with breath and movement. This class has martial movements that are great for shoulder mobility. Woven in to the sequence is a deep horse stance and inner focus. This practice is sealed with a 30 min. seated meditation.
Great practice for beginners to advanced. Mark guides you into the mind and embodiment of a Zen warrior Monk. Breathe, be and practice. Practice is how we discover where we are at in the moment.
This class is a breath centric practice. Starting with 20 min. of 5x5 box breathing you will go into the movement centered and energized. Stabilize your hips and core while remaining focused on the breath. The class ends with a 10 min. meditation and rest that is good for the mind, body and spirit.
Full splits, side plank and hip opening are on the menu of this vinyasa based class. Vinyasa is a sanskrit word that describes breath linked to movement. Let your breath guide you through the practice and have fun playing with some more challenging postures.
Prepare to deep dive into a practice that will take you to the edge of your physical strength and mobility. This class is challenging and rewards you for facing the challenge by ending with a 20 minute restorative posture. Headstand if you like or just take child's pose and connect to your being.
This is the ultimate recovery practice, great for evening or after a hard-core workout. 20 minutes of box breathing, mobility for hips and shoulders, followed by 25 minutes of seated meditation and relaxation.
Great practice for beginners to advanced. Mark guides you into the mind and embodiment of a Zen warrior Monk. Breathe, be and practice. Practice is how we discover where we are at in the moment.
This short practice is a great fro recovery after intense exercise or sitting too long. Opening the shoulders, neck and side body is the main focus of this sequence.
30 minutes of one of the most powerful practices ever here on Kokoro Yoga online.
If you travel a bunch this is the practice for you. After travel our shoulders, low back and hips all need some tender care. I this recovering sequence that is what you get.
This class is focused on balance. Balance postures, development of concentration, and as always focus on breath. Have fun letting go of what was or what will be and spending time in the moment.
Simple and effective movements are introduced as a 20 minute warm up to prepare you for breath and meditation. This is a great class to prepare you for a day of travel or before a workout.
Guided nostril breathing kicks you off into a short and sweet practice that realigns the spine and releases tension in the pectoral muscles.
This class starts with a seated 9-breath practice that fortifies you. In this practice you get to tend to your energy through the qi gong practices of bringing down the heavens, monk horse stance and simple tai chi movements. Use the force for service and self mastery.
This class starts with 10 min. of alternate nostril breathing followed by 5 min. of box breathing. If you have tight hips this class is great to help you open them up while developing spinal mobility.
This is a gentle sequence for focus and relaxation. Light asana ending with some box breathing.
This practice stimulates healing and is focused for those with foot injuries who still want to cultivate mobility in spine, utilizing visualization, and an inner calm.
15 minutes of Burpees, Kettle Bell Swings and Supermans mixed in with a warm up and cool down of traditional yoga postures.
Here is a advanced practice with arm balancing, deep back bend and hip opening. Modify if you need to and continue to access the ageless warrior within while cultivating a deep inner strength: mind, body, and soul.
Follow along newly minted black belt Greg Amundson as he guides you on how to access grace and fury in this intense fighting warrior sequence.
Energy is a more subtle than matter yet we know it exists. In the tradition of yoga and martial arts energy is something to master and tend to. This practice takes you from an energy centered meditation into box breathing and then movement. To connect to the effort you put in the class finishes with a silent meditation.
Mark takes you through 10 min of box breathing and then into a gentle practice that focuses on strength and methodical movement guided by breath. Half way through dive into the practice of the energizing breath to burn of toxins and create more stabiltiy in your core. This peaceful warrior sequence ends with the Unbeatable Minds staple practices the mind gym and still water , a great tool for learning how to visualize and concentrate.
Mark guid you in this class with a great flow for active recovery while still getting to develop some core strength. Box breathing in pigeon pose and an invitation to explore your wild side. Practice everyday and you will see the results.
Easy Day, We Got This-Piece of Cake. This class starts out with 10 minutes of 5x5 box breathing guided by Mark. Deepen your backbends and cultivate balance from the inside out. In this class Mark teaches how to unlock the tension in hips while strengthening the posterior chain.
In this class Mark encourages you to bring in a deep internal focus. This class is a great recovery practice after an intensive Workout like CrossFit or SEALFIT.Living a life of longevity and health takes focus and being in tune with your inner world.
This class is designed for stepping into your warrior spirit. Mark invites you to be victorious on the mountain top and defeat your mental negativity through focus intention. This class is great for opening shoulders while stabilizing the upper back. You will box breath, sit in horse stance and create focus in this practice.
This class is a breath centric practice. Starting with 20 min. of 5x5 box breathing you will go into the movement centered and energized. Stabilize your hips and core while remaining focused on the breath. The class ends with a 10 min. meditation and rest that is good for the mind, body and spirit.
Great practice for beginners to advanced. Mark guides you into the mind and embodiment of a Zen warrior Monk. Breathe, be and practice. Practice is how we discover where we are at in the moment.
Simple and effective movements are introduced as a 20 minute warm up to prepare you for breath and meditation. This is a great class to prepare you for a day of travel or before a workout.
Guided nostril breathing kicks you off into a short and sweet practice that realigns the spine and releases tension in the pectoral muscles.
Energy is a more subtle than matter yet we know it exists. In the tradition of yoga and martial arts energy is something to master and tend to. This practice takes you from an energy centered meditation into box breathing and then movement. To connect to the effort you put in the class finishes with a silent meditation.
This class starts with 10 min. of alternate nostril breathing followed by 5 min. of box breathing. If you have tight hips this class is great to help you open them up while developing spinal mobility.
This practice stimulates healing and is focused for those with foot injuries who still want to cultivate mobility in spine, utilizing visualization, and an inner calm.
Take a moment to bring in some sweat before the new year cheer. Bring in more peace of mind through strengthening your reserve with this fighting warrior practice.
Focus, determination and open hips is what you will develop in this sequence with Mark
This class is focused on balance. Balance postures, development of concentration, and as always focus on breath. Have fun letting go of what was or what will be and spending time in the moment.
This short practice is a great fro recovery after intense exercise or sitting too long. Opening the shoulders, neck and side body is the main focus of this sequence.
This is a gentle sequence for focus and relaxation. Light asana ending with some box breathing.
This peaceful warrior practice invites in cultivating balance and opening the hips and upper back. Ending with a guided visualization on meeting go of stagnant emotion and charging up with positive energy.
This is a practice that tips its hat to the lineage of Ashtanga Yoga. This is a great practice if you want to test your limit in strength and flexibility.
15 minutes of Burpees, Kettle Bell Swings and Supermans mixed in with a warm up and cool down of traditional yoga postures.
This is a Zen warrior practice with a focus on core abdominal strength and a healthy spine. This is a great practice for all levels.
This recovering class is gentle and steady in the flow. It focuses on flexibility and recovery of the shoulders, neck and hips. This class has a brief meditation at the beginning and end focusing on your intention as an integrated Kokoro Yoga Practitioner.
In this practice you will cultivate balance and stabilization. An emphasis on hip opening and twisting. Breath is the guide while finding your center.
This peaceful warrior is an invitation to open your hips and hamstrings. This is a restorative practice that is designed to invigorate and inspire you to live from the heart the Kokoro Yoga way.
Follow along newly minted black belt Greg Amundson as he guides you on how to access grace and fury in this intense fighting warrior sequence.
This class starts with a seated 9-breath practice that fortifies you. In this practice you get to tend to your energy through the qi gong practices of bringing down the heavens, monk horse stance and simple tai chi movements. Use the force for service and self mastery.
Hamstrings, hip opening and spinal twist kick this class off without leaving the floor. The traditional yoga postures are followed by a wonderful guided Qi Gong practice where you can cultivate patience, energy, and regenerate.